How to create a real-lifeTodo Application in React JS in an Hour

1 min readMay 26, 2021


Hi, Hello everyone. Let’s just start building a real-life todo application using React JS.

Todo Application is the core of any development starter kit. It is very important to get the concept first of any programming or framework or libraries. That’s why I’ve thought about this to give you a very much real-life Todo application using React JS.

Demo Look of React Todo Application:

How to create a simple todo application in React

Features include in this React JS Todo Application —

  1. Todo List
  2. Pending and Done status indicated with Todo selection
  3. Create New Todo List
  4. Create with todo title
  5. Create on click or enter button click
  6. Edit New Todo
  7. Edit todo title and status
  8. Update todo
  9. Delete Todo
  10. Empty state message

Read More and Get Code Link —

Tags: How to create a todo application in React, React Todo Application, React Advance todo application, React JS task management application, React JS Application, React JS intermediate todo application, React JS

